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Gorgeous Large Succulents

Gorgeous Large Succulents

It’s the perfect post if you’ve ever dreamed of growing tall succulents or other large succulents.

If they are grouped together as small plants or shrubby shrubs, some succulents can grow to enormous sizes.

A high ceiling in your home can be filled with a tall succulent plant. Additionally, they add dimension to a room.

With the wide branches and stems of tall succulents covering windows and storm doors, you can also create privacy in your home.

Planting a tall succulent outside your home will help you create an oasis even if you live in the city. Take a closer look at these species.

The Best Tall and Large Succulents
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    Many people believe that succulents cannot grow to great heights because of this belief. If variety is what you’re looking for, however, you might be surprised.

    Consider the size of your succulents when planning your garden layout. Succulents fall into this category.

    As they seek out more light, their leaves expand outward. These can grow long and leggy as they age.

    Let’s take a closer look at a few of them:

    African Milk Tree (Euphorbia Trigona)

    The African milk tree is native to southern and central Africa. Good luck cactus is another name given to this particular cactus.

    At the end of the season, the plant has a lush green appearance, and its flowers turn a bright red color. It prefers sandy or loamy soil that is dry but well-aerated. Ten-foot-tall, one- to two-foot-wide stems are possible.

    The African milk tree does best in full sun, so it’s a great choice for an entryway or patio.

    Fox Tail Agave (Agave Attenuate)

    Foxtail agave thrives in USDA zones 5 through 11. One of the simplest succulents to grow because it doesn’t require a lot of water and can thrive in both full sun and soft shade most of the time.

    On average, the foxtail agave is 15 to 20 feet tall and 3 to 5 feet wide. Its goose neck-like flowers, which can grow up to five feet in height, are what give it its name.

    Consider this succulent if you’re looking for something that stands out in your front yard.

    These plants require only one or two waterings a month, making them easy to care for. They can, however, go without it for a few weeks.

    They may become enormous in the future (perhaps a little too big for an average garden). It seems like Agave Attenuata would be a good fit for smaller to medium-sized gardens.

    In terms of height and width, a single head can measure up to one-and-a-half meters. If the plant gets out of hand, it’s a simple matter to get rid of the plant’s pups.

    If you’re looking for something that’s both beautiful and thorn-free, look no further than the Attenuata agave.

    In full sun, partial shade, and complete shade, Agave Attenuata thrives.

    Aeonium Arboreum & Schwartzkopf

    The large rosette-shaped leaves of these two types of Aeoniums, in our opinion, are hardy and visually appealing, and they can grow into small trees. It’s green in Aeonium Arboreum, whereas Schwartzkopf is a deep red/burgundy color.

    They can grow up to 1.5 meters tall with multiple rosettes in the right conditions. These Aeoniums can grow in full sun, partial shade, or full shade, depending on their needs. In a sunny location, the rosettes will thrive and produce the best results.

    Desert Rose (Phoenix Dactylifera)

    The desert rose tree has a powerful presence. It has thin branches and sprouts, as well as beautiful pink and white leaves, and will make a bold statement in your front yard. This tree can reach a height of 10 feet and a width of two to five inches.

    The desert rose prefers a succulent soil mix with a pH of around six. It adores the sun and prefers full sun on most days. It thrives in USDA zones 10 and 11.

    The desert rose is a good choice if you want a tall plant that is decorative and relatively easy to care for.

    Large succulents
    Image: gardeningknowhow.com

    Golden Barrel Cactus (Echinocactus grusonii)

    Large succulents

    As tall as 3 feet
    Mexico is the country of origin.

    Cacti with a barrel-like shape are called Golden Barrel cacti. It’s a cactus with long, sharp spines that looks great. In the right place, it requires no additional attention. It thrives in an arid environment with adequate sunlight, just like all cacti.

    It is possible to grow this cactus from seed or buy a small specimen. Once established, this cactus takes a long time to grow. You may also discover that it grows “pups” from the base, resulting in an exponential growth.

    Euphorbia Tirucalli' Firesticks'

    In time, firesticks can reach heights of up to a few meters but can still be pruned to maintain their vibrant array of colors. The vibrant hues are eye-catching, and mature plants can withstand a variety of climates.

    You should avoid this plant if you have small children or pets that eat plants because Euphorbias have poisonous sap in their stem and leaves, which can irritate skin and be harmful if eaten.

    Aloe Polyphylla, Aloe Vera, Aloe Hedgehog, and Aloe Porcupine

    Many Aloes grow into large, sculptural plants that will add interest to your landscape. Once established in the garden, they are also extremely hardy and produce beautiful flowers on long stems.

    Possibly the most artistic of the bunch, Aloe polyphylla’s spiraling leaves make it a great specimen for a large and hardy garden succulent.

    With its white spines and lovely green-blue tint, Aloe Hedgehog and Aloe Porcupine are three of my personal favorites.

    Palmer’s Agave (Agave palmeri)

    Height: up to 16 feet in some cases.
    Mexico and Arizona are the places of origin.
    Despite the fact that the Palmer’s Agave plant only grows to a maximum height of about 5 feet, the flower stalks can reach a maximum height of 16 feet. Unfortunatley, this succulent only blooms once during its entire life span, which can last anywhere from 5 to 15 years on average.

    It is primarily cultivated for its visually appealing appearance as a blue-green landscaping plant. It is quite hardy and requires very little water, with the exception of extremely hot and dry weather.

    Echeveria Mexican Giant

    Large succulents

    Beautiful white-blue powdered Echeveria hybrid that can grow to 30cm tall and 40cm in diameter has long, pointed, white-blue leaves. You will never regret having one of these in your garden because of their striking beauty and hardiness.

    Despite the fact that Echeveria Mexican Giant is widely available, getting your hands on one can be difficult because of its high demand.

    Echeveria Orion, Violet Queen, Morning Beauty, Apus, Hercules, and Elegans are some of the Echeveria genus’s larger or clumping varieties.

    Rosettes of Echeveria Violet Queen can grow up to 20 centimeters long and form large clumps.

    As well as large rosettes, Echeveria Imbircata produces clumps up to 40cm wide. I think it’s one of the most beautiful plants I’ve ever seen.

    Although it can reach 40cm in height, Echeveria Orion does not produce many offsets.

    Queen of the Night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

    Up to ten feet in height.
    Mexico, Central and South America are the countries of origin.
    It is referred to as the Queen of the Night because its white, fragrant flowers only bloom at night, earning it the title. It prefers to grow in indirect sunlight rather than in direct sunlight. However, in order for it to flower, it requires the exact amount of light that it requires.

    Plants can be propagated from seed or stem cuttings with relative ease. Keep in mind that you’ll need to support the long stems that are designed to latch onto trees, so keep that in mind.

    Delosperma Cooperi (Ice Plant)

    The daisy-like flowers of these succulents, which have mat-forming leaves, are highly sought after.

    Groundcovers made of delospermas spread slowly, making them ideal for the landscape. Because of their tendency to overflow, these plants look great when planted at the edge of a garden or against the wall.

    For convenience and aesthetics, miniaturized versions are preferable to full-size ones.

    Burbank’s Spineless Cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica)

    Height: up to 6 feet in height
    Mexico is the country of origin.
    Burbank is a cactus with fleshy pads and orange flowers that is almost completely spineless. Aside from that, it produces fleshy, red fruit that can be eaten. It is also possible to consume the pads, which are referred to as “nopales” in Mexican cuisine.

    This cactus is drought-tolerant and relatively simple to grow in the garden. This plant is easy to propagate from cuttings, and it can thrive in both full sun and partial shade conditions.

    Hanging Chain Cholla (Cylindropuntia fulgida)

    From nine to fifteen feet in height, the hanging chain cholla can be found Because of its tendency to dislodge stamps from branches when touched, the leaping cholla was dubbed the “leaping cholla” for this reason.

    Tubercles on the stems of this green-leaning plant are covered in wart-like growths.

    The plant is native to zones 8 to 11, and it doesn’t require a lot of water in order to thrive. Dry to slightly moist soil and full sun are ideal conditions for this plant. Small white flowers can be seen blooming on this plant as it ages, becoming rough and scaly.

    Fishhook Barrel (Ferocactus wislizenii)

    Native to the southwest corner of New Mexico, the fishhook barrel succulent is able to thrive in zones 9 through 12. Even though it’s more common as a smaller shrub, this plant has the potential to reach a height of 12 feet.

    It can withstand temperatures as low as ten degrees Fahrenheit with a one- to three-foot spread.

    It’s one of the easiest succulents to grow, and it can survive without water for up to four weeks. Flowering in the spring and summer, it has a round basketball-like shape and is great for adding color to your garden or yard.

    Graptoveria 'Fred Ives'

    The large, pink rosette-forming leaves of Fred Ives make it a garden favorite. Look at it and you’ll see that it’s both tough and beautiful. These plants produce a dense mass of pink rosettes that can grow to more than 25cm in diameter.

    From full sun to partial shade, Fred Ives thrives. The plant will be pinker and more compact in full sunlight. It is also very easy to propagate, requiring only a cutting or a single leaf to start a new plant.

    You should be able to find Graptoveria Fred Ives in your local nursery or garden center. There is a good chance that online nurseries will be able to supply you with this beautiful, large garden succulent.

    Kalanchoe Fedtschenkoi & Fedtschenkoi Variegata

    If you’re looking for a plant that spreads and has some height, Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi is a great option.

    It can grow to a height of about 40 centimeters and spread over a large area. Intriguing leaf coloration, including blue with a reddish underside. The variegated version, which includes white and pink, is especially eye-catching.

    Mother of thousands is one of the most difficult kalanchoes to remove from the garden because it spreads so quickly and aggressively.

    In Australia, some species are regarded as invasive weeds.

    Saguaro (Carnegiea Gigantea)

    The saguaro cactus is also the official flower of the state of Arizona. It can reach a height of 40 feet and has branches that are three to six feet wide, all thanks to its strong, fluted trunk. It is a slow-growing cactus that prefers dry conditions.

    It has between nine and eleven natural growing areas. Top branches of this native New Mexican plant bear daisy-like blooms, making it particularly eye-catching in the landscape.

    Ocotillo (Fouquieria Splendens)

    There are many varieties of the ocotillo plant, which is a large-spreading shrub that can reach heights of 30 feet. The average spread of its branches is 10 to 15 feet. Despite its large size, this shrub is tolerant of dry conditions and prefers full sun most of the year.

    The succulent is a low-maintenance plant that can go without watering for weeks at a time.

    It does not require re-watering after transplantation because it prefers dry soil. Colorful red flowers bloom at the tips of wand-like branches of this plant, which will brighten up your garden. This cactus thrives in zones 8 through 11 and is free of disease.

    Crassula Ovata

    Most people know about this succulent because of its widespread popularity. A symbol of wealth and prosperity, it can be grown both indoors and out (also known as Money Plant or Lucky Plant). If left to its own devices,

    Crassula Ovata can grow to heights and widths of more than a meter in the garden. Reddish-brown leaf edges appear when grown in full sun. Although it prefers full sun, the plant is also tolerant of partial and total shade.

    The Gollum, Hummel’s Sunset, and Red Coral are all Crassula Ovata hybrids. There are a wide variety of succulents that can grow to be quite large and hardy. It is possible to use them to form a small hedge or to decorate a garden with them.

    Garden centers and online retailers are likely to carry the plant Crassula Ovata. There is a good chance that you can get a cutting from a family member or a friend.

    Soaptree Yucca (Yucca Elata)

    Soaptree yucca is a beautiful plant with white bell-shaped flowers that blooms in the summer. Slender, pale green, and with sharp points on the edges, the leaves of this native New Mexico plant are a beautiful sight.

    Dry soil and temperatures above 72 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for this cactus, which can reach a height of 15 feet.

    Soap can also be made from the trunk of this tree, which produces brown pods during flowering season. In USDA zones 6–11, it can grow up to eight feet wide and thrives. A sturdy tree stem and a preference for full sun are two of its favorite growing conditions.

    Snake Plant (Dracaena Trifasciata)

    In the beginning stages of gardening, the snake plant is a great option. In addition to being easy to grow, this plant appears to thrive even in the face of neglect. Without water, the snake plant can last for up to four to five weeks.

    It thrives in temperatures between 50 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit and prefers full sun to partial shade on the majority of the days it is in bloom.

    An African native, this plant thrives in zones 10–12. It’s possible to buy snake plants as young as a foot tall from a nursery, and with proper care, they can reach a height of four to eight feet when grown outdoors.

    Hedge Cactus (Epiphyllum Oxypetalum)

    The hedge cactus grow tall and bushy, resembling giant hedgehogs. As a rule, it can reach heights of up to nine feet and a typical length of five to six feet. Most of the time, it’s a dull green, but in certain conditions, it can turn a bluish green.

    There are also white and pink flowers on the cactus during the blooming season.

    Despite its preference for dry soil, this plant requires a lot of sunlight and rarely needs watering.

    Sempervivum Tectorum and other Sempervivum species

    Many varieties of Sempervivum can withstand both heat and frost, making it a truly remarkable plant. Large areas can be covered by carpets of rosettes that are formed by these plants, also known as houseleeks (the name is misleading because they cannot survive inside for long periods).

    Because the plant produces so many offshoots, the overall formation can grow to enormous proportions, even though the individual rosettes are quite small.

    Organ-Pipe Cactus (Stenocereus Thurberi)

    In southern Arizona and Mexico, the organ pipe cactus is a Spanish plant that thrives in zones 9 to 11. It has a fork-like shape and can grow up to 26 feet in height.

    On average, it has a spread of three to five feet. Its gray stems are often covered by brown spines.

    During the blooming season, it is known to produce white flowers with pink or purple petals.

    A scarlet fruit that bats pollinate can also be produced. As long as it has access to good air circulation, the plant can go without water for several weeks. As long as it gets plenty of sunlight, this plant will thrive.

    Tips for large Succulents

    In recent years, succulent gardens have become increasingly popular around the world, not only because of their beauty but also because of their hardiness. These “future plants” are frequently referred to as such due to water shortages in many parts of the world.

    Choosing the right succulents for your garden can be a challenge because there are so many varieties and hybrids to choose from. When it comes to succulents, there are a lot of variables to consider. Some prefer full sun, others prefer partial sun, others can rot in the rain (a small minority, but it does happen), and some are hardy while others can grow quite large.

    In order to fill an adequate space, succulents with diameters of at least 20 cm are required. So, which succulents can you count on to be both large and hardy?

    If you’re looking for a plant that can thrive in a variety of conditions, look no further than the succulents listed above.

    Only a few succulents are able to withstand a full winter with sub-zero temperatures for a long period of time, and most are not frost-hardy. If you live somewhere with a mild winter, you can grow any of the succulent plants listed below in pots and bring them indoors for the winter.

    You can grow succulents in large containers and bring them inside for the winter.

    Final Thoughts

    We hope you found our list of succulents that grow to great heights useful. If you enjoy succulents, knowing which plants will grow taller will assist you in landscaping your garden more effectively.

    Do you know of any other succulents that can reach incredible heights? Kindly include them in the comments section provided below.

    Wrapping Things Up

    The key benefit of growing succulents is that they require little maintenance to thrive. Succulent plants make an excellent front or back yard decoration if you live in a warm, dry climate.

    Additionally, if you prefer taller plants for privacy, these succulents can grow large enough to cover your home.

    Just before to leaving, please read the following posts:



    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

    Specific succulents naturally grow to be quite tall, while others will grow to be quite tall in search of sunlight.

    You can either relocate them to a more sunny location or reduce their legginess by trimming off the top portion.

    Succulents will become lanky if they do not receive enough sunlight. Relocate them to a brighter area with at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

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