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Know Best Clothes to Wear While Gardening | Complete Guide

Best Gardening Clothes

The Perfect Gardening Clothes!

Breathable, cool, soft, and cozy; that’s the Perfect Gardening Clothes.

Wear the proper clothing when gardening, whether you’re growing fruits and vegetables or prized roses. You don’t have to give up style to be comfortable and functional in the garden! It’s time to start looking for the best gardening clothes.

One thing that comes to mind as the weather (slowly) warms up, and Spring approaches are gardening. So with us, you can find time-tested gardening clothing.

Whether you’re growing vegetables or pulling weeds, these are the best gardening clothes to keep you comfortable and safe.
Lifestyle Garden Clothing curated for today’s creators. Iconic styles infused with modern design.

Here are some fashionable gardening clothes to add to your gardening wardrobe!

What to Wear While Gardening – Gardening Clothes

As we stated before, Breathable, cool, soft, and cozy; That’s what we want from our gardening attire. But, don’t you despise it when your shirt adheres to you like a wet rag? That is why we wanted to write an article about What to Wear While Gardening.

What to Wear While Gardening The pockets on these clothes is our favorite feature. They should be large enough to hold a smartphone, and some have headphone guides, so you don’t miss calls or listen to music while gardening! This Browning Trapper Creek Vest, for example, has a plethora of pockets!

Dickie’s pieces are more than just clothes; they are useful tools to own and use. They have a fantastic selection of pockets for storing gear. Pens, pencils, gardening tools, seed packets, MP3 players, smartphones, and other items are included.

The Gardening Pants are the next item we’d like to discuss. Fabric that is cool, breathable, and comfortable. These have several pockets as well.

Our favorite feature of these pants is that they roll up easily and even have snaps to keep them in place!

The Sidewinder Shirt is fantastic. It’s made of breathable fabric and has a pocket large enough for a smartphone. It’s ideal for early-morning gardening in the spring when the air is just a little chilly. As it warms up, you can roll up the sleeves (which also have a snap) and continue working, or you can remove it entirely. 

The best was saved for last. The Gardening Overalls are our favorite piece. These bad boys are extremely comfortable and the ideal gardening tool. It contains everything you require to get out there and get some dirt under those nails. You can also wear the grey cami under the overalls.

The pockets on the overalls aren’t going away. There is plenty of room to store a smartphone, pens, seed packets, and various other gardening-related items.

Best Clothes to Wear While Gardening

Nothing beats homegrown produce from your own garden. It’s not only cheaper, but it’s also more delicious (you can’t argue that a home-grown tomato tastes better than a store-bought one!).
Even if growing fruits and vegetables isn’t your thing, a few flowers in your yard or garden can completely transform the appearance of your house or yard.

Whatever type of gardener you are, whether you have a few plants or an entire greenhouse, you’ll want to make sure you’ve dressed appropriately when visiting your blooming buds. Don’t let a lack of clothing deter you either.

There are a few things you should have on hand to ensure that you’re comfortable, functional, and stylish while gardening.

A Top with Sun Protection

When it comes to gardening shirts, not all are created equal. Aside from being stain-resistant (hello, dirt! ), it should also be durable, quick-drying, and moisture-wicking.

You’ll be watering plants and possibly getting a little hot, so you’ll want a shirt that is both durable and comfortable.

Don’t overlook the sun. Most of the sun’s harmful UV rays can pass through clothing, making a UPF 50 sun protection factor all the more important.

You might also want to consider a women’s rashguard, which dries quickly and protects your skin from the sun.

A Maxi Dress with Pockets (for women)

Nobody says you can’t wear a sundress while gardening if it’s more your style than a shirt and shorts.

Long maxi dresses for women that cover your legs and protect your knees when you’re kneeling over planting or picking weeds can be great for gardening (and you’ll look cute doing it!).

Deep pockets provide a place to store your phone as well as any small shovels or weed-pulling tools you may need.

Bottoms with Pockets

When gardening, women’s Bermuda shorts with pockets can come in handy. Pockets allow you to carry fertilizer packets, gardening tools, and your cellphone.

The extra length of a Bermuda short shield your thighs from the sun and any prickly thorns that may appear in the garden.

For cooler weather (or if you don’t want your legs exposed to the sun), some flexible cargo pants that allow you to move freely will be a better choice than shorts

Head Protection

A good gardening hat will protect you from the sun and from creepy crawlies and flying insects that like to hang out around dirt and plants.

If you need to protect yourself from the sun, consider wearing a gardening hat with a wide brim to protect not only your face but also your neck (which is prone to bending over while gardening, exposing the back of it to direct sunlight).

It should also be light, as the majority of your body heat escapes through your head. You don’t want a hat that traps heat and makes you sweaty and uncomfortable.

Gardening Overalls

With their comfortable fit and functionality, Gardening overalls are another popular option for both men and women. Because there is no need for a belt, you won’t have to worry about your pants slipping down or your shirttail hanging out.

Bib overalls have more pockets than almost any other type of clothing. You’ve got deep front pockets, pencil pockets, small tool pockets, and other essentials. Some even have ruler pockets and tool loops, which are very useful. They come in tough duck, denim, and traditional hickory stripes.

A White Cotton T-Shirt

Anything goes with a white T-shirt. A 100 percent cotton white t-shirt is ideal for gardening for several reasons:

If it gets dirty, it can be easily bleached.

It’s white, so it won’t attract the sun’s scorching rays while you’re planting.

Cotton is a breathable fabric.

A Super Cute Gardening Apron

Aprons are a fantastic invention. They keep your clothes clean while you garden, cook, or do other things. You can keep anything you need in your handy pockets. They come in a wide range of colors and patterns.

Here are a few that caught our attention:


You’d think that wearing shorts while gardening would be appropriate because it’s likely to be warm outside. However, this is not the case! It is best to wear long pants that cover your legs to protect them from scratches and cuts caused by pruning, etc.

Denim is a very durable fabric – here are a few pairs of jeans.


With these adorable gardening gloves, you can protect your hands in style!


Suppose you’re going to be outside, whether gardening or not, you should wear sunscreen. There are numerous varieties available, but here are a few of our favorites!

Arm Protectors for Gardeners

When it comes to arm protection, have you ever been up to your elbows in thorny roses or brambles and known you’d come out unscathed?

So, here’s the deal.

Gardeners’ arm protection can help solve the problem.

Armed Gardener arm sleeves are one such product. They are machine washable and form-fitting to your arm, protecting it from thorny scrapes, poison ivy, skin irritants, and UV rays.

Gardening Sleeves from ArmSavers. The softer, more comfortable arm covering protects you from wrist to elbow. It’s tough but breathable because it’s made of ballistic nylon.

Gardening clogs are high on the list of preferred garden footwear. Plastic versions of Dutch clogs are available in bright, gender-neutral colors; garden clogs are:

  • Comfortable
  • Convenient
  • Waterproof


Gardeners will have no trouble finding variations on the theme, ranging from open-back Birkenstock garden clogs to thicker-soled mud clogs, thanks to the clogs’ popularity.

Crocs are the most well-known brand of plastic clogs. These clogs are ideal for gardening as well as making a fashion statement. For example, the Vera Bradley Croc designs or these Unisex tie-dye Crocs are so adorable that you may want several pairs of crocs, some for gardening and others for casual wear.

Protect Your Knees (Fashionably)

A typical knee-breaking day in the garden starts like this: The Gardener pulls a seemingly innocuous weed only to discover that it is part of an endless network of runners invading the vegetable garden. Hours later, the Gardener emerges from his work, his knees aching, ready to call it a day.

However, not all gardeners’ knees ache.

What is the secret?

They are sweaty, to be sure, but they will protect your knees on any surface, including cement sidewalks.

Okay, they’re not the most fashionable, but at least you won’t have a sore face after a long day in the garden! That’s worth something.

Gardeners must have knee pads, whether they are traditional or not. They are available in various light, protective materials, allowing the gardener to get the most mileage out of their knees in a day.

Wearing Japanese overalls is a cooler, more comfortable option. They’re smart takes on the standard, with knee pockets for padded inserts.

Alternatively, invest in a garden kneeler. You can get one that matches your gloves, such as a Cath Kidston Garden Kneeler or this pretty but reasonably priced knock-off.

Whatever Keeps You Comfortable

Sometimes “gardening” is as simple as getting up and going outside with a cup of coffee to water your plants and pull a few weeds. As a result, there’s no need to get all dressed up in gardening attire if you’re going back inside to start the rest of your day. 

There’s nothing wrong with putting on some comfortable women’s loungewear and heading to your garden to start your day. After you wake up, put on some elastic waistband capris, and you’ll be better dressed than most of your neighbors (and you’ll be more comfortable, too!).

People’s interest in gardening has more than doubled in the last ten years. It’s not just about beautiful flowers and landscapes.

People are more health-conscious than ever before, and they want to have some control over where their food comes from. It’s also enjoyable to plant something and watch it grow. So put on some new gardening clothes (a dress, shorts, or capris) and don’t be afraid to get a little dirt on you.

How to Dress for Gardening (DIY)

Gardening is usually very messy, and if you’re a first-time gardener or going somewhere to the garden (grandma’s, a friend’s, a community garden…)? If you’re reading this, you probably don’t know what to wear, so here you’ll learn what clothes are appropriate for gardening at any time and any gardening.

Step 1.

Choose an old shirt if you’re gardening, put on your least favorite, scuffed-up old shirt. This way, if you get grass stains all over it, you won’t be as bothered. Take into account the weather and whether you’ll be sitting in the sun.

  • Long sleeves will come in handy if you’ll be touching plants with sharp thorns that can poke you.

Step 2.

Choose some pants. Choose your least favorite, beat-up pants that you don’t mind getting dirty, just like you did with the shirt. If you have overalls for such occasions, that would be a great option. Something with pockets large enough to hold a trowel or dibber could come in handy. Check that you can comfortably kneel or squat. You could be down on your hands and knees in the dirt!

Step 3.

Choose a pair of tough shoes. If there is a chance of rain, old boots are a great option. If it’s going to be a sunny day, you’re probably fine wearing your old worn-out tennis shoes, but make sure they’re not nice brand new clean ones; you want old shoes that can get dirty.

Step 4.

Consider wearing a windproof or waterproof jacket. You’ll be ready if it starts to get cold or rain. You may find that you are warm enough without a coat while gardening, but it may be chilly on the way home, and you will be grateful for a jacket.

Step 5.

Take care of your hair. Longer hair can get in your eyes or even get caught in the dirt, so keep it pulled back.

  • Your hair can be kept out of the way by wearing it in a bun or a ponytail.
  • A French braid, if you’re feeling fancy, will keep even the smallest strands out of your face.
  • Use hair clips to keep your hair out of your eyes if you have short hair.

Step 6.

If you want to wear gloves, bring them with you. These can help prevent dirt from getting under your fingernails (which is extremely difficult to clean out) and can be extremely useful when handling rough stones and rocks or pulling up stinging weeds like nettles.

Step 7.

Apply sunscreen and consider wearing a hat. Sitting in the sun for an extended period of time can result in sunburn or sunstroke. Sunscreen will keep your skin healthy and smooth, and a hat will keep the sun off your face and take the edge off the heat. Try a hat with a wide brim that also protects the back of your neck, or a baseball cap turned around.

Gardening Clothes Must Be Thoroughly WASHED

When working with pesticides in your garden, you should be concerned about more than just your clothing.

Laundering your clothes properly after working with pesticides is just as important for your health.

“It’s important to wear enough clothing to keep chemicals from settling on the skin,” says Vera Keeble, a Virginia Cooperative Extension specialist in clothing and textiles at Virginia Tech. “It’s also important that the pesticides be properly washed out of the clothing.” According to research with various pesticides, you should handle contaminated laundry in a variety of ways.

Clothing used in pesticide handling should be used only once and laundered immediately after use.

If contaminated clothing must be stored, it should be kept in a separate container and not mixed with the rest of the family’s laundry, especially if children are present.

“Anything washed with pesticide-contaminated clothing will pick up the pesticide,” says Keeble.

Clothing contaminated with a high pesticide concentration should be pre-rinsed or laundered multiple times. According to Keeble, this procedure will remove more of the chemical.

When a highly toxic liquid pesticide is spilled on clothing, you should discard the clothing.

“The chemical is not removed even after 10 wash cycles because the concentration is so high,” says Keeble.

She recommends the following clothing for when pesticides were applied, but there was no spill of a highly toxic pesticide:

Pre-rinsing contaminated clothing before washing will aid in pesticide removal. To pre-rinse laundry, soak it in a container before washing it, pre-rinse it in an automatic washing machine, or spray or hose it outside.

“When handling contaminated clothing, wear rubber gloves to prevent pesticides from absorbing into the skin,” she advises.

Contaminated clothing should be washed separately and not in the same load as the rest of the family’s laundry.

Set the washer to hot water (approximately 140°F/60°C) and use a heavy-duty detergent.

Heavy-duty liquid detergents, known for their oil-removing ability, have been shown in studies to be more effective than other detergents in removing pesticides from clothing.

Bleach and ammonia were not shown to be effective in increasing pesticide removal. Therefore, these laundry additives should only be used with extreme caution.

In addition, bleach should never be added to or mixed with ammonia because the two react to produce lethal chlorine gas.

Set the washer to a full water level to cover the clothing.

A regular wash cycle of about 12 minutes, or the machine’s most extended wash cycle, should be used.

To increase the breakdown of chemical residues and avoid contaminating the dryer, Keeble suggested line drying in sunlight.

After cleaning the contaminated clothes, clean the washer by running a cycle with an empty load of hot water and the same detergent. Some rubber parts of the machine may absorb the pesticide’s odor. If you detect an odor, run another wash cycle.

“Some rubber parts of the machine may absorb the pesticide’s odor,” Keeble says. “If there is an odor, repeat the wash cycle.” (Source: dailypress.com)

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Most of us enjoy putting on our favorite sweatpants, and you can do gardening in them. When gardening, however, you should pay closer attention to what you’re wearing. Certain clothing items can make a significant difference in your gardening process.

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