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17 Beautiful Succulents That Don’t Need Sun

Succulents that don't need sun

When it comes to succulents, you know that they can thrive in a wide range of extreme environments. As a result, they are widely regarded as low-maintenance and sun-loving.

Water and natural sunlight aren’t necessities for many of these plants.

Succulents that prefer or grow equally well in low light situations include the following: Succulent growers with limited access to natural light may benefit from this method, as can those just starting in the succulent hobby.

Gardeners who live in areas with little sunlight will also benefit from this product. Because of this, if you have a light-challenged home or want to place indoor plants in areas that aren’t near windows or skylights, this post is for you.

Succulents That Don’t Need Sun
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    Here are 17 succulents that can survive without sunlight, but they will still need some artificial lighting. We’ll also cover other aspects of their growth, such as soil requirements and basic growing instructions. Learn more about these plants by reading on.

    Bird of Paradise

    We’d like to introduce you to the possible replacement for your fig tree. Tropical-looking but low-maintenance, a bird of paradise adds a touch of the tropics to any space.

    Make sure that proper drainage is in place if you don’t want the soil to become soggy. When the top layer of soil appears dry, water it.

    Although it may take five or more years for this low-light indoor plant to bloom, the tropical feel it provides will be well worth the wait.

    Maidenhair Fern

    A beautiful but difficult plant to maintain, ferns are always a challenge. Because they can’t be over or under-watered, this is a tricky situation.

    These plants prefer a moist, but not wet, environment. Make sure to put them in an airy clay pot and avoid watering them from the top. Rather, place a saucer full of small stones under the pot.

    Place the saucer on top of the pot and fill it with water so that it reaches the bottom. It surrounds the plant with a humidity dome of its own making. As long as your bathroom gets some humidity, you’ll be fine keeping ferns in there!

    Zebra Plant (Haworthia Fasciata)

    Another cactus plant that doesn’t require much sunlight is here. Given the right conditions, this striped plant, known for its bumpy, white tubercles, can form rosettes in as little as a few weeks.

    Temperatures between 50 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for the zebra plant. In addition to the living room, you can use bedrooms and bathrooms.

    Zebra plants thrive in zones 11 and 12 when grown in loose, well-draining potting soil. The zebra plant is susceptible to fungal problems and root rot if it is overwatered. Although it is a low-maintenance cactus, you can feed it with granular or soil-based fertilizer.

    Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)

    Growing the snake plant, also known as the Mother in Law’s Tongue, is a relatively easy task. It thrives in zones 9-11 of the USDA’s hardiness zone system.

    If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for plant that thrives in low-light areas, this one is the one for you. Soil that is dry most of the time and temperatures ranging from 50 degrees to 85 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for this plant.

    Flat leaves of up to three feet long and one to two inches wide are typical. Snake plants prefer liquid or slow-release pelleted fertilizer over specialty formulations. In any house room, you can grow this plant using artificial light, and it will thrive.


    If you go overboard in your efforts to care for a pothos, it can die. They can die if they are exposed to too much direct sunlight. Let them dry out completely between waterings so that they get a little bit of a taste of starvation.

    Because people forget to water them, they do so well in the workplace! Lift the pot and feel how light it is; a plant that needs water will feel very light when you stick your finger into the soil.

    Cut the ends of your pothos and place them in a cup of water on a windowsill until new roots begin to form.

    Green Ice Hybrid (Gasteraloe)

    Succulents like this one can thrive without much sunlight. Make sure to thoroughly soak it when you do water it a few times a week. When it’s cold outside, you should water it less frequently. Because of its thick, pointed leaves, you can tell it’s overwatered if its green or yellow hue begins to change.

    The green ice succulent prefers well-drained loam or sand as potting soil in zones 6-8. It’s even possible to combine the two in a 1:1 ratio. This small plant is ideal as a desktop or tabletop plant and can brighten up dark shelves, balconies, and patios.

    Check out this potting soil on Amazon.

    Aloe (Aloe Barbadensis)

    If you’ve ever used this plant to treat a variety of ailments or improve your skin, you’re likely familiar with it. This spider-legged plant can thrive even in the darkest corners of the garden.

    You won’t have to water it as frequently because of its thick and fleshy leaves’ ability to store a lot of water.

    Zones 8-11, with temperatures ranging from 50 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit, are ideal for this plant’s preferred climate. Because aloe vera plants are susceptible to root rot, they prefer well-drained soil.

    The best time to apply fertilizer to this plant is during the summer months when it is actively growing.

    Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)

    If you would like succulents that don’t require a lot of light, consider this alternative. The oval-shaped leaves of jade plants are attached to thick, woody stems. These small tree-like plants are excellent houseplants because of their aesthetic value.

    In addition, they are extremely long-lived and can adapt to a wide range of environments. Zones 10 and 11 are where it thrives.

    The ideal temperature range for jade plants is between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and between waterings, the plants should be allowed to dry out completely. To avoid root rot and other fungal problems, keep in mind that these plants need well-draining soil. Jade plants thrive in low-light environments and are generally hardy.

    Spider Plant

    In many workplaces, you’ve seen the variegated green or green-and-white leaves of this hanging plant. If you keep your spider plants trimmed and don’t allow them to rot, they’ll grow like weeds. Keep a saucer under a pot with drainage in order to avoid it.

    This includes removing dead leaves and other foliage from the pot. It’s better to remove a dying leaf or tendril from a plant rather than try to keep it alive, as this will allow the plant to devote more energy to new growth.

    Donkey's Tail (Sedum Morganianum)

    Droopy-looking donkey tail succulents have thick water-absorbing leaves that face down. One of the best low-light hanging succulent plants is this one. As low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit will not kill it.

    It’s worth noting that this particular succulent can grow in nearly any cacti succulent soil mix, but it does best in slightly humid conditions.

    It thrives in zones 9-11 of the USDA’s hardiness zone system. For safety’s sake, it’s best to keep this plant on an elevated surface, as it can grow up to three feet long, and the trailing stems can cause quite an extensive watery mess if they are misplaced or crushed.

    Learn more about this watering pot on Amazon

    Mistletoe Cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera)

    The mistletoe cactus plant has thin, long pod-shaped leaves that resemble string beans. Artificial lighting isn’t necessary for this succulent’s growth because it can thrive at low levels.

    This plant thrives in peat moss and sand for better aeration in acidic, well-drained soil. Zones 9 and 10 are where it thrives.

    Anywhere from 50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and an average humidity level of 40 percent to 50 percent are ideal for this variety. When fertilizing a cactus, there are a few things to keep in mind, such as not doing so more than once every month.

    Holiday Cacti (Schlumbergera)

    Another low-light option is this popular indoor cactus plant, which doesn’t require direct sunlight. It has stems that resemble leaf pads and blooms with pink and reddish areoles in the summer. It thrives in zones 9-11 of the USDA’s hardiness zone system.

    The best soil for these plants is well-draining, aerated, and in full bloom. Temperatures ranging from 50 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and average relative humidity of 40 to 50 percent are ideal for survival. You can use cactus and succulent fertilizer to replenish the nutrients that have been lost over the winter months.

    Learn more about this Cactus fertilizer on Amazon

    Panda Plant (Kalanchoe Tomentosa)

    The velvety leaves of this beautiful succulent are typically blue grayish, with deep red-brownish markings on the tips of its leaves. Plants like these can thrive in low-light conditions, making them ideal for homes that lack windows. Growing zones 11, 12, and 13 are where it thrives best.

    It doesn’t matter how long you let the soil dry out; these plants will thrive in cacti and succulent mix. Temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal, with an average relative humidity of 40 and 50 percent.


    Ivy is a great low-light indoor plant, as well as a popular choice for gardens and the exteriors of buildings. Lots of different ivy species exist. Some are entirely green, while others have white and green speckles.

    You only need to water them when they’ve completely dried out, so they’re very forgiving of neglect. You don’t want them to become soggy.

    Despite the fact that you don’t need to trim them, you can if you prefer a more bushy look. Another plant from which cuttings can be taken to grow new ones is this one. Roots will form if you put the clippings in a glass of water.

    Dwarf Ox-Tongue (Gasteria Bicolor Var.Liliputana)

    There are raised white bumps on the chubby, dark green leaves of the small plant. Although it is a slow-growing plant, the offshoots can be quite beautiful when they begin to grow. A four-inch pot and filtered or low light are all you’ll need to get started with this cactus.

    No natural light is required. When watering a plant, it’s best to let it dry out between waterings and water it only two to four times per month.

    This plant thrives in well-drained soil with sand or rocks, and it’s ideal for offices or bedrooms. It thrives in zones 9-11 of the USDA’s hardiness zone system.

    ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia)

    Oval-shaped ZZ succulent leaves are flat and waxy, and they can grow up to three feet tall when grown indoors. Zones 9 and 10 are where it thrives. This slender and hardy plant prefers rich, well-drained soil that is also on the dry side of the spectrum.

    It thrives in temperatures ranging from 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit in desert areas.

    They thrive in filtered or low light, but they can also withstand natural light. However, it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. A good watering session every one to two weeks is all that is needed to keep these plants flourishing in their natural habitats.

    A flickering fluorescent light may be the closest thing to the sun in your living room, or your office may be in need of some greenery. That doesn’t mean you can’t decorate your home with a wide variety of beautiful houseplants.

    You may be surprised to learn that a number of fashionable and beautiful houseplants don’t require much sunlight (OK, all plants need some sunlight, but these can survive with less than most).

    When it comes to finding the best low-light indoor plants, we enlisted the help of Phoebe Poole of Weatherlow Florals, an expert in the field. As far as low-light plants go, these are the ones she recommends.

    Wrapping Things Up

    We hope that this post has provided you with enough options to choose from if you are looking for a low-light succulent. Also, keep in mind that most succulents require soil that drains well and stays dry most of the time.

    Before you leave, be sure to take a look at some of our previous articles:


    People also ask

    Certain succulents do not require sunlight. You can use them in areas that are bright or semi-dark. The Epiphyllum, Crassula ovata, and Haworthia cymbiformis are all examples of these plants.

    Other plants, such as Echeveria setosa and Echeveria Fimbriata, thrive in any light condition, including shade, as long as the soil is well-drained.

    To begin answering this question, we must first define succulents.

    Succulents are plants that retain moisture in their leaves and stem for extended periods during dry seasons. They have extremely thick leaves and stems, which prevent them from withering to insufficient sunlight. They thrive in a warm climate with full sun exposure but can also thrive in light shade.

    By inspecting the soil, you can easily determine if your plants are receiving adequate water. Watering more frequently is necessary if the soil is dry.

    The best way to determine how frequently to water your plants is to examine their leaves. They require more water if they are limp and wilting; they require less water if the leaves are turgid and glossy.

    Yes, it is. The first step is to make sure your succulents have enough light to bloom properly.

    You can accomplish this by placing them near a window or providing them with adequate sunlight via artificial lighting such as fluorescent lights.

    Yes, succulents can thrive in the absence of direct sunlight. They can survive in both shade and sunlight.

    Your succulent requires the following to survive:

    1. It requires plenty of water to keep its leaves hydrated, as well as adequate drainage to remove excess water from the soil.
    2. It requires adequate ventilation to prevent moisture from building up on the leaves, which could eventually result in rot or mold damage.
    3. It requires light because succulents prefer direct sunlight but not excessive amounts (they cannot tolerate excessive amounts of the sun).

    Succulents grown indoors do not require sunlight to survive. They do, however, require light for photosynthesis and may require more than what you provide indoors.

    If your indoor succulent is suffering from a lack of light, consider purchasing a grow light fixture or window box to supplement its natural light requirements.

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