Are you getting tired of your succulent garden’s overabundance of green? Perhaps it’s time to add more color. Purple succulents are an excellent choice for any gardener looking to add a pop of color to their range.
Succulent plants, in general, remain evergreen throughout their lives. But the best thing about them is that certain species can grow different colors when exposed to a lot of bright sunlight. The trick to maintaining the vibrant color of these succulents is to expose them to partial to full light.
Here is a list of purple succulents with varying shades and types in various shapes. We hope you are inspired, whether you want to improve your garden or your interiors.
Echeveria Taurus

Echeverias produce compact, evergreen rosettes that are ideal for growing on a windowsill. Echeveria Taurus has rich plum-colored foliage that darkens at its leaves’ tips. Should hold it in a bright location to retain its color.
When considered an Echeveria, the plant can reach a height of 10 centimeters and a width of 30 centimeters. This Echeveria’s active growing season is May and June. In the autumn, it produces flowers, and by the summer, you can reduce watering slightly.
Echeveria Taurus
Sempervivum ‘Raspberry Ice.’
Sempervivum succulents are among the hardiest types of outdoor succulents. Many species of this genus are used in gardening and can adapt to almost any setting. They are also very pest and disease resistant.
They will have showy blossoms throughout the summer, and the flowers will attract many bees and butterflies, adding to wildlife. If you have a young plant, you will have to wait until it reaches maturity before it blooms.
Sempervivum ‘Raspberry Ice’ is a unique and appealing cultivar. The leaves are coated in cobwebbed tiny white hairs and various burgundy and violet purple shades.
Like many others in the Sempervivum family, these succulents are widely known as “Hens and Chicks” or “Houseleek.”
Sempervivum ‘Raspberry Ice.’
Graptoveria ‘Bashful.’

These succulents are a subspecies of the genus x Graptoveria, a cross between Graptopetalum and Echeveria. They grow in a stemless clump with spooned thick leaves with pointy tips.
With the aid of sunshine, the pastel green foliage turns purple-fuchsia. They look best when they can get full sun every day.
Graptoveria Bashful is a tender, succulent type that will not survive winter in freezing temperatures, despite its beautiful colors. They must be kept indoors during the cold winter months to prevent frost damage.
Graptoveria ‘Bashful.’
Echeveria Perle Von Nürnberg
This famous Echeveria is adored primarily for its stunning purple color when exposed to direct sunlight.
Rounded pastel grey leaves with a pointy tip form a rosette shape that grows to be around 15-20 centimeters tall. These plants are ideal for the windowsill because the more light they get, the more vibrant their colors become.
Echeveria Perle Von Nürnberg
Graptoveria ‘Debbi.’
Graptoveria ‘Debbi’ is a beautiful purple succulent plant with dramatic foliage combined with Graptopetalum and Echeveria. This species grows in a close rosette clump. It offsets freely and multiplies rapidly and efficiently on its own, with no additional effort.
Pale green leaves usually turn a pink-purple dusty shade all over, and these frosty purple leaves can grow to be up to 20 centimeters in length. However, if they do not receive enough light, they will lose their violet hue because they need sunlight to produce color.
Graptoveria ‘Debbi.’
Echeveria Black Prince
It would be fair to say that these Echerieverias are among the most visually appealing. The fleshy spoon-shaped leaves point upwards and have a color gradient ranging from green to red to deep dark purple.
When you expose Echeveria Black Prince to light, the leaves turn a nearly black color, as the plant’s name suggests. These succulents are a great way to add a dark touch to your arrangements.
Echeveria Black Prince
Pachyveria Powder Puff
Pachyveria ‘Powder Puff’ is a small succulent that grows to be a shrub and can reach a height of 15 centimeters. It has lovely powdery blue-green leaves that grow a violet undertone when exposed to bright light or cold weather.
In the summer, peachy purple arching flowers appear between these very fat and juicy leaves. Since winter is the active growing season for these succulents, they need more water during this period.
In the winter, they are not recommended to be kept in temperatures below 7 °C, whereas they will die in temperatures below -6 °C.
This species of family “Crassulaceae” and genus “x Pachyveria” is a hybrid between “Pachyphytum oviferum” and “Echeveria cante.”
Pachyveria Powder Puff
Anacampseros Purple Giant
This South African genus contains perennial species of small growing purple succulent plants ideal for indoor containers.
Aside from the bright plum color of this plant’s thick seashell-like leaves, another distinguishing feature is its stem’s long-developing white hairs. Flowers are purple as well, with yellow stamens.
Purple Giant
Sedum Dasyphyllum
This low-growing shrub, Sedum dasyphyllum, Sedum Burnatii, or more commonly known as “Corsican Stonecrop,” is native to rural areas of the Mediterranean.
Sedum dasyphyllum produces beautiful lilac purple foliage in addition to mint green foliage, particularly on the sun-exposed side. The leaves are small and thick, with rounded edges. Newly developing leaves appear green in the middle and then turn purple when they mature.
Sedum Dasyphyllum
These Sedums produce tiny pink-white flowers during June and July.
Sedeveria ‘Lilac Mist.’
Sedeveria ‘Lilac Mist’ is a recently developed hybrid of Sedum and Echeveria. Two big succulent genera provide endless opportunities for combining different shapes and colors. We think Lilac Mist Sedeveria would be an excellent addition to any succulent series.
These cultivars get their names from the color of their foliage, which is mostly greyish green with a lilac blush on some of it. A compact rosette with very fat leaves can reach a height of 9 or 10 centimeters.
Lilac Mist
Tradescantia Pallida
These shallow growing succulents, often used as ground cover plants, are hardy in hot weather but not in cold weather. They’ll be ideal for humid, arid climates with plenty of sunlight during the day.
These plants produce dark green sword-like leaves that grow around a stem. These leaves’ margins turn a bold burgundy-purple color, creating a very cool contrast when the little pale flowers bloom in the summer.
Tradescantia Pallida
Echeveria Lilacina
Echeveria lilacina is an enthralling variety of this Mexican succulent genus. In full light, silver-grey symmetrical rosettes blush a coral pink hue. This plant is sometimes referred to as “Ghost Echeveria” because of its foggy matte leaves.
Aside from the lilac foliage, they also produce pale pink flowers on a red stem about 15 centimeters long. The flowering season lasts from late winter to the start of spring.
Echeveria Lilacina
How to Care for Succulents?
Succulents are common because, unlike many other houseplants, they do not need a lot of care to keep them alive and safe. Since they originated in desert climates, they store water inside their leaves. As a result, succulent plants are resistant to heat and drought.
They will have more if your succulent receives enough direct sunlight during the day.
The leaves are thick. Furthermore, the succulents we chose for you grow different purple shades due to the direct sunlight.
The best location in your home will be the window sill facing south, where the succulents would be directly exposed to light.
But there is one thing I must caution you about. Too much hot sun in the summer afternoons can cause sunburns on the leaves of your succulents, which can be irreversible.
If your home does not get enough sunshine, you can always use a grow lamp to keep your succulents alive.
Succulents are adapted to go without water for extended periods of time. This is why you don’t need to water your succulents very much. Water the soil deeply and thoroughly once and allow your plant to live with it for an extended period of time. That is everything there is to it.
Check if the soil is dry and the leaves are slightly creased to determine when to water your succulents.
Excess watering is tough for succulents to recover from. Choose a nice drainage pot with holes on the bottom and a proper form of soil that does not trap water inside. Soil that is overwatered and compacted will keep the roots moist and prevent them from breathing.
READ: A Complete Guide to Choosing (or Mixing) Succulent Soil
Colorful succulents are a great way to liven up dull spaces lacking in spirit. If you want to revitalize your outdoor garden or your succulent collection on the windowsill, there are several succulent varieties to choose from. Just make sure your purple succulents get enough sunlight to avoid fading. Aside from that, enjoy the variety of options.